The Screech

It was nighttime. The television was on mute. Every family member was completely drawn into what they were doing. Suddenly, a screech broke the silence. It made all of us stare at my sister. All eyes were aimed at her frozen body; her chin stiffly pointed upwards. After comprehending the “ what-was-that-about” look on our faces, she opened her mouth. Anxious to be heard by someone other than us, she carefully unfastened her lips; “It went inside my shirt.” By it, we already knew what she was talking about.

A while ago, all of us noticed an indistinguishable insect flying around. It was too big to be a mosquito but definitely smaller than a cockroach. After seconds of pondering about it, we simply ignored it and went back to what we were doing.

Going back, still frozen, she was pleading the air; “Can someone please remove it?”. As an occasional jerk, I didn’t rush to take the “it” away, I laughed my heart out. No I did not just laugh, that scene brought out a guffaw! Her face demonstrated an impeded fright. That face would really haunt me and make me laugh every time. That weird insect made my day!